Kamis, September 24, 2009



Rajawali Afrika, Pemimpin Libya, Ketua Uni Afrika dan King of African Kings, Kol. Muammar Gaddafi dengan lantang menuntut perlunya reformasi PBB dalam sidang General Assembly (Majlis Umum) PBB ke-64 pada tgl. 23 September 2009. Sidang yang dipimpin oleh politikus senior Libya yang merupakan Wakil Menlu Libya Urusan Uni Afrika, Dr. Ali Abd. Salam Treki, selama 1 jam 35 menit (pukul 17.00 – 18.35 Waktu Libya, pukul 22.00 – 23.35 WIB) Kol. Gaddafi menyampaikan pidatonya tanpa teks atau teks hanya sebagai panduan, sebagaimana kebiasaan beliau dalam menyampaikan pidato, Rajawali Afrika tersebut menjadi bintang karena berani menyuarakan ‘kebenaran’ di forum dunia yang selama ini angker bagi pemimpin dunia ketiga. Barangkali hanya mantan Presiden RI saja, Bung Karno yang berani dan lantang menentang hegemoni Barat di forum PBB sewaktu Indonesia keluar dari badan dunia tersebut. Atau keberanian Kol. Gaddafi tersebut karena terinspirasi dan banyak belarar dari para tokoh pendahulunya seperti mendiang Presiden Soekarno, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Joseph Tito dan lain sebagainya. Berikut ini beberapa poin penting isi pidato Kol. Gaddafi dalam sidang Majlis Umum PBB tersebut:
1. Hak veto bertentangan dengan Deklarasi (mitsaaq) PBB.
2. PBB sejak berdiri tidak dapat mencegah terjadinya perang.
3. 65 kali terjadi peperangan sejak PBB didirikan yang kesemuanya untuk kepentingan negara tertentu atau beberapa negara tertentu, dan semua perang dilalukan terhadap dunia ketiga dan negara kecil dan lemah (namun semuanya berdaulat dan anggota PBB).
4. Gaddafi menentang pemberian tambahan negara baru jatah kursi tetap di Dewan Keamanan PBB.
5. Meminta hak otoritatif dari DK PBB (selama ini) dan menjadikan hak tersebut kepada Majlis Umum PBB sebagai representasi Parlemen Dunia. Sselama ini terjadi kesalahan karena yang mempunyai kekuasaan adalah DK PBB yang anggotanya hanya 10 orang (sambil menunjuk kursi mereka dan berseloroh), sedangkan MU PBB hanya ‘pajangan’ saja.
6. Majlis Umum PBB merupakan representasi Parlemen Dunia.
7. Majlis Umum PBB selama ini hanya mimbar pidato-pidato saja tanpa arti. Gaddafi mengumpakannya sebagai hidepark atau pajangan.
8. Kursi anggota tetap DK PBB diberikan kepada organisasi regional seperti Uni Afrika, ASEAN, Amerika Latin, Uni Eropa, GNB, dsb.
9. DK PBB sebagai corong kapitalisme negara-negara anggota tetap dan yang mempunyai hak veto.
10. Selama ini DK PBB hanya membuat hukuman bagi kita. Bukan menjamin keamanan kita.
11. DK PBB hanya digunakan untuk melawan kita.
12. Kita tidak ada kelaziman untuk mematuhi Tap DK PBB sekarang ini.
13. Menutut ganti rugi negara penjajah kepada negara jajahannya agar tidak terulang lagi penjajahan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Uni Afrika menuntut ganti rugi sebesar USD 777 trilyun.
14. Afrika mempunyai hak kursi keanggotaan tetap di DK PBB.
15. Merasa nyaman dengan adanya putra Afrika Presiden Barack Husein Obama Jr. dalam posisi pucuk pimpinan AS yang dipanggilnya dengan ‘ibnii’ (my son).
16. Head Quarter PBB digilir setiap lima puluh tahun ke lima benua lainnya. Saat ini sudah lewat 14 tahun masih tetap berada di AS (64 tahun sejak didirikan).
17. Menolak dunia yang beragam kepentingan dan menuntut dunia yang adil.
18. Membuka investigasi kejahatan perang seperti perang Korea, Terusan Suez Mesir, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Somalia, Yogoslavia dan Irak. Mengenai Irak, Gaddafi menekankan investigasi sebab-sebab memerangi Irak, yaitu masalah perang itu sendiri; melawan Deklarasi PBB; cleansing etnis (Ibadah jamaiyah) dan pembunuhan (hukuman mati). Lebih spesifik Gaddafi menuntut PBB menginvestigasi perang Irak yang dipimpin AS.
19. Membuka investigasi penjara Abou Guraib, dimana sebanyak 250 ribu warga sipil Irak, laki-laki dan perempuan disiksa; juga perang terhadap Afganistan.
20. Membuka investigasi pembunuhan tokoh dunia, seperti Patrice Lumumba, John. F. Kennedy, Dag Hammarskjold, mantan sekjen PBB, Martin Luther King, Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) pejuang Palestina yang diserang oleh pesawat tempur Israel di negara berdaulat Tunisia yang juga anggota PBB, dan pembunuhan para pejuang Palestina di Lebanon yang juga negara berdaulat dan anggota PBB.
21. Membuka investigasi pembunuhan kolektif seperti Subra-Syatila dimana pengungsi Palestina di daerah tersebut dibantai oleh pasukan Israel dan 3000 warga pengungsi sipil terbantai, dan juga pembantaian Israel terhadap Jalur Gaza pada bulan Desember 2008 dan Januari 2009.
22. Mengenai perompak Somalia, Gaddafi mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya kita ini yang perompak, bukan mereka. Karena mata pencaharian mereka kita tutup sehingga mereka merompak kapal-kapal yang melintasi kawasan laut mereka. Juga masalah Darfur, Sudan yang kaya minyak.
23. Menuntut untuk menyerahkan para penjahat perang terhadap penduduk sipil Palestina kepada Mahkamah Kriminal Internasional.
24. Menyatakan bahwa penyelesaian masalah Palestina hanya dengan penyelesaian satu negara demokrasi dan berdaulat (bangsa Israel dan Palestina. (Bukan dua negara yang selama ini diupayakan, tapi tidak selesai-selesai selama 60 tahun).
25. Bansga Arab menyediakan perlindungan bagi bangsa yahudi di saat mereka mengalami penderitaan dan penindasan oleh bangsa Eropa. Bangsa Arab dan Yahudi sebagai saudara tua dan sepupu tidak mungkin berperang kalau bukan karena infiltrasi Barat. Mengapa Barat yang melakukan holocaust terhadap bangsa yahudi dan yang menjadi bebannya adalah bangsa palestina. Pada suatu saat nanti bangsa Yahudi akan berpihak kepada bangsa Arab karena mereka sesungguhnya bersaudara.

Leader of the Revolution Addresses UN General Assembly

New York-23.9.2009
The Leader of the Revolution today addressed the 64th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, tackling numerous issues of our contemporary world and calling for a proper reform of the UN to cope with the challenges of today's world, suggesting that representation at the security council be divided on blocks and continental basis.
Explaining how the United Nations initially came into being, the Leader said United Nations not the United Nations Organisations was set up by three or four countries that united against Germany which then established the security council and assumed the veto.

Leader of the Revolution Addresses UN General Assembly

New York-23.9.2009
The Leader said China was the only country that had democratically acquired the Veto.
He said increasing the number of seats at the Security Council was not the answer to the council's reform..rather it would add insult to injury.
Reforming the Security Council is by diverting the Security Council authorities to the General Assembly, but not by increasing the number of seats, the Leader said.
"It is unfair and appalling that only the powerful possess the Veto".
"For 45 years the Council only brought upon us sanctions and horror..we are no longer bind by this council in its form from this session the 64 session".

The Leader proposed radical changes that could rock the foundations of the United Nations Organisation and lay the basis for a new structure on its ruins, based on equality between all nations big and small without vetos.
The Leader who was given a standing ovation said Libya who deservedly assumed the presidency of the General Assembly would act to help the world change the scary pathetic situation in which the world currently passes into a world peace and tolerance.

Addressing UN General Assembly Leader of the Revolution Chairman of the AU Offers Radical Solutions That Could Rock UN Foundations

New York : 23. 9. 2009

leader of the Revolution , Chairman of African Union , King of African Traditional Kings offered in his speech today before the 64th session of the United Nations' General Assembly radical solutions that could rock the tumbling structure of the UN Organization and building instead a new international structure based on equality between nations big and small and free from veto and permanent and temporary seats and to restore proper respect of the UN General Assembly which is the Congress of the world .

Following is the text of the leader's address :

In the name of Allah.
Gentlemen members of the UN General Assembly :
I salute you on behalf of the African Union and I pray that this session be historic in the life of the world .
ِAnd in the name of UN General Assembly that Libya presides over and in the name of the African Union and the name of ( 1000 ) African traditional kingdoms .. I extend our congratulations to our Son President '' Obama '' because he attends with us the GA meeting for the first time as President of the United States of America . We salute him since he is the host country .

This convention comes at the climax of a several challenges that face us all and that the world should unite and make serious efforts to overcome these challenges that constitute the common enemy.

Climate change, financial crisis , collapse of capitalist economy , food and water crisis , desertification , terrorism, immigration , spread of diseases created by man himself and others because some of the viruses are manufactures as weapons and became beyond control .
Perhaps Swine Flu is one of these viruses that were not controlled and it is produced in laboratories as war weapon.
Also the horrible nuclear spread , in addition to other terrorism , the spread of hypocrisy , fear and atheism moral deterioration and material dominance .
All this constitutes a common enemy to all of us .

Gentlemen :

You know that the united Nations started first with three or four nations united against Germany .., This is the United Nations and not the UN Organization .
The UN Organization of today is something else. but the United Nations is the countries that united against Germany in the Second World War and these countries formed a Council called it Security Council and they gave themselves permanent seats and the veto .
We were not present, it was tailored by the United Nations and we were asked to wear this dress which was tailored by these three or four nations that united against Germany .
This is the truth and this is the base of this international organization.

The happened in the absence of ( 165 ) present today , that means ( 1 to 8 ) or 1 present and 8 absent.
They are the ones who made the UN Charter which is with me . Its preamble is something and its articles are another thing .
How did that happen ?
Those who were present in San Francisco in 45 participated in making the preamble and they left other articles including rules of the so called Security Council to experts, technicians and politicians of the countries interested in this subject , it is the countries that created the Security Council , the nations that united against Germany .
The preamble is very tempting and there is no objection on it , but everything that came afterwards contradicts with the preamble. and this what we are facing now , we protest against it and reject it and that cannot continue because it is outdated and belongs to the period during the World War II .

The preamble says that nations big and small are equal .
Are we equal regarding the permanent seats ? Not at all .
The preamble says that United Nations big and small are equal in rights .
Alright .. Are we equal regarding the veto right ?!
According to the preamble , all nations , big and small are equal in rights . This is what we approved .
Therefore, the veto is against the Charter and so are the permanent seats. This we cannot recognize or accept.
The Charter states in its preamble '' We are committed not to use armed force in other than the common interest ''. This we rejoiced and signed and joined the United Nations in accordance with that .
But , ( 65 ) wars took place after the establishment of the United Nations and the Security Council in its current form and after this commitment millions were victims more than the World War .
Are all these aggressions and wars were used for common interest ?! not at all . That was in the interest of one particular nations or maybe two or three .
This is in clear and open contradiction with the Charter's preamble that we accepted and the joined the organization accordingly .
If the matter does not comply with the preamble that we approved , then even our presence in this organization is no longer valid as of now .

We do not flatter nor make diplomatic statements ..we are not scared nor can we compromise when it comes to the destiny of the world.
We now talk about the destiny of the world ..the destiny of the planet and the human race ..when it comes to these crucial issues there can be no flattering, procrastination or hypocrisy because that led to 65 wars after establishment of the United Nations.
The preamble says if force is used there should be a United Nation force.. a common force ..a UN war staff not just one country or two or three..the United Nations together should decide whether to use force to keep world peace.
If aggression occurred against one country after 1945 when the organisation was set up, the UN will come to its defence and repel the aggression.
If Libya aggressed on France for example, the UN will repel the aggression because France is a sovereign country.
We are committed to defend the sovereignty of nations in a collective fashion, but that did not prevent the outbreak of 65 wars of aggression with the UN doing nothing to curb them, including eight major wars that claimed the lives of millions of people, perpetrated by a veto holding member of the Security Council.
The states that we thought would repel aggression protect peoples turned out to the ones that used aggressive force while enjoying the veto.

There is nothing in this Charter that allow the United Nations to interfere in internal sovereignty of another country .
In other words , ruling system is internal affair , no one else has the right to interfere in it and it is the responsibility of the concerned society to have dictatorial, democratic, socialist , capitalist , reactionary or progressive system . It is an internal affair .
Once Rome has voted for Julius Caesar to be a dictator and the Senate gave him the authority to be dictator because they thought that dictatorship was useful to Rome then . This is an internal affair . Who can say to Rome , why did you that ?That is making of Caesar a dictator ruler !

The preamble is what we have agreed upon , but the veto that came afterwards is not mentioned in the Charter .
If they told us there is a veto right , we would not have joined the UN , we joined the UN because we are equal in rights .
But when one country has the veto over all our resolutions and enjoys a permanent seat , Who gave her that permanent seat ?!
These four nations gave themselves the permanent seat .
The only nation that we voted for in this assembly to have a permanent seat is China . We gave our votes to China to become a permanent member of the Security Council . It is the only country that her presence is democratic , but the presence of the other four seats is undemocratic , rather it is dictatorial and imposed on us , so we do not recognize that and it does not apply to us .

Reforming the United Nations is not by increasing the number of seats at the Security Council ..because that would just add insult to injury..since there will be countries who would be joined to the others and would further tip the balance.
Therefore we object to increasing the number of seats ..the solution is not increasing the seats ..this will run against the interests of the third world countries the "Forum of Small States" or "G 100"..these will be trampled on by fresh major powers joining the old list..this is unacceptable.

Moreover, opening the door to increase seats in the Security Council will create more injustice and high tension worldwide . It will intensify competition for seats in the SC and we are going to enter in a competition with very very important group of nations .
There is going to be a contest between Italy , Germany , Indonesia , India , Pakistan , the Philippines , Japan , Brazil, Argentine , Nigeria , Algeria , Libya , Egypt , Congo , South Africa , Tanzania, Turkey , Iran , Greece, the Ukraine .
All these countries will demand to have seat in the Security Council . In this case competition is to continue till members of the Security Council will be equal to those in this Assembly which is impractical.
So , what is the solution ?
Now , the solution put forth before the GA presided over by '' Ali Triki '' and where a decision is to be taken by voting , and the abiding resolution is that of the majority of the GA without regard to any other side . The solution is to close the door for membership and for increasing the number of seats in the Security Council - This is to be introduced to the General Assembly , the Secretary General and Triki - and that will be replaced by Unions' membership to achieve democracy through equality between member states and to transfer the powers of the Security Council to the General Assembly .


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